Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thor has arrived!!

Thor Johannes Eckert was born Tuesday March 11, 2008 at 12:41pm. He was 10 lbs 10 oz and 23 inches in length. He spent the first two hours of his life in NICU with his dad because he had trouble clearing fluid in his lungs. We have been one happy family ever since and are having an absolute blast hanging out and taking care of our new little one.


CocoKnits said...

Welcome to this world little Thor! And it appears he's already appreciative of MorMor's knitted work and saluting the mice! Love you - Coco

Mary B said...

I am soooooooo Happy that you have started this web site. I will look anxiously each week to receive updates on Thor. He is a beautiful baby and I am so thankful that he is doing well. I will continue to keep the three of you in my ptayers. Keep the pictures coming!!!!!

Much Love, Hugs and Kisses
Great Aunt Mary

great-grandma said...

So happy that you have your baby boy. He is beautiful and I am anxious to see all the pics that you are going to keep us up to date with on the blog. Tomorrow I hope to get my package for Thor out and on its way.You both look as proud as a peacock as you rightly should. Love,kisses,hugs and prayers sent your way