Friday, March 21, 2008

Brought Thor home on Saturday March 15 after a long morning wait. Thor had gone from 10 lbs 10 ozs to 9 lbs 2 ozs. This was a little more weight loss than the docs wanted to see so we had to wait to be cleared to go home. Also Thor, like so many other babies, was getting jaundice and so we had to order a Bili-light bed for him to rest on at home whenever he wasn't feeding.

1 comment:

Mary B said...

I have never heard of a Bili-light bed before, My Melissa ended up under the light for jaundice when she was born, of course that meant that she had to stay extra long in the Hospital. I am so happy that you were able to bring Thor home with the Bili-Light bed in tow. Thank you Dear lord for all of the modern technology that is avsilble today, for all good things come from above. You all will continue to be in my prayers.
Love, Hugs and Kisses
Great Aunt Mary