Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Pioneer Day!!

Had a "Blast" celebrating our state holiday...Pioneer Day at the Rasmussen neighorhood shin dig. Thor loved all the colors, loud bangs and smoke until the police came and told us the fine is $1000 per illegal firework or jail time if we fired off any more. What a party pooper!

More Cousins to Visit with...Yahoo!

It's been an active summer playing with Cousins Emah and Grace. Uncle Louie was nice enough to let me use him as a float in the pool. That Uncle Louie sure is nice.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

4 Months old...Time to start eating real food

We are introducing Thor to the world of solid (more or less) food. So far Thor would just as soon stick to the liquids.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Day at the Zoo and a Bike Ride Too!

What a fun holiday weekend. All this activity can really tucker a little guy out!